LPCF - Luxulyan Parish Community Fund




Who can apply? The criteria/guidelines are as follows: 

  • The Luxulyan Parish Community Fund (LPCF) supports community projects within the parish of Luxulyan. Organisations residing outside of this area can apply on the condition that a large percentage of beneficiaries attending the project reside within Luxulyan and this can be evidenced.
  • Community or voluntary groups without a written constitution or governing document can apply for a maximum grant of £250, provided that they have a separate bank account with a minimum of two signatories.
  • Organisations with a written constitution, articles or other form of governing document can apply for grants ranging from £250.00 to £3,000.00. Larger sums maybe awarded in exceptional circumstances.
  • First time applicants will take priority.


Cornwall Community Foundation (CCF) administers the Fund and the application form is available online via CCF. LPCF is not administered by the Parish Council. The LPCF Panel will make the final approval or refusal.

Cornwall Community Foundation
Telephone: 01566 779333
Email: office@cornwallfoundation.com


Luxulyan Parish Community Fund APPLICATION FORM


Grant Application & Eligibility Guidelines

Check your eligibility for grant funding

Terms & Conditions 

How are decisions made?
  1. CCF assesses the submitted applications for eligibility.
  2. The Assessor checks that all the required information has been provided plus the requested documents.
  3. If there are any questions regarding the application CCF contacts the applicant.
  4. A report is then put together for the LPCF Panel to consider.
  5. A meeting of the LPCF Panel is called within 7 days of applications coming through from CCF.
Not every application is funded. Some reasons are:
  • There are times when there are more applications than available funds.
  • A group has had a previous application, but has not sent in a monitoring report form on the previous project.
  • The Panel does not feel the request for funding meets a need.
  • There are other reasons why an applicant may be unsuccessful, and feedback is always given.
The Luxulyan Parish Community Fund (LPCF) Panel

PANEL: Two members of Luxulyan Parish Council are on the Panel: Cllr Helen Francis and Cllr Sarah Kemp. Other members are: Dave Bunt (Chair), Bridget Hall (Vice-chair), Nicky Pearson (Secretary), Chris Austin, Jim Cleare, Sophia Barnett, Kay Baker

TO FIND OUT MORE ABOUT THE LUXULYAN GRANTS. Speak to the Panel members for information about this grant funding that is available to benefit the people of Luxulyan.

• Every April at the LPCF AGM, panel members will step down and new panel members may be elected. Previous panel members may be re-elected.

• If you wish to become a panel member, contact a current panel member to put your name forward.

• The AGM will also allow for any representation to be made by members of the public.

The LPCF Panel looks forward to receiving your applications.

Source of Income

The LPCF currently receives its income from one regular source. The Lestoon wind turbine planning application (PA13/08209) was approved in December 2013 and the turbine began functioning in June 2014.  Clean Earth Energy Ltd of Wadebridge, owners of the turbine, now have an agreement with the CCF to make 20 annual payments of £10,000 (RPI index linked) starting from the anniversary of the siting of the wind turbine (i.e. from 3rd November 2015). This is currently the only income for the Luxulyan Parish Community Fund (LPCF).

Luxulyan Parish Community Fund (LPCF) – Allocation of Funds
Date Description Income GRANTS Fees Balance
03/11/15 1st Clean Earth payment £10,000.00      
03/11/16 2nd Clean Earth payment £10,185.61      
Dec-16 Donation from Lux. Community Transport £450.00     £20,635.61
Dec-16 Christine Wilson invoice; initial CIO set up     £238.38 £20,397.23
Jan-17 Luxulyan Youth Football Club grant   £1,850.00 £185.00 £18,362.23
May-17 Luxulyan Parents Association grant   £2,000.00 £200.00 £16,162.23
May-17 Luxulyan Amateur Dramatic Society grant   £2,000.00 £200.00 £13,962.23
Aug-17 Lux Memorial Institute, snooker room   £2,000.00 £200.00 £11,762.23
Aug-17 Luxulyan Pre-school, outdoor equipment   £2,000.00 £200.00 £9,562.23
03/11/17 3rd Clean Earth payment £10,552.98     £20,115.21
Dec-17 FEAST   £1,000.00 £100.00 £19,015.21
Apr-18 Grants awarded   - none -   £19,015.21
Aug-18 Youth Football Club, new strip   £600.00 £60.00 £18,355.21
Aug-18 Youth Football Club, ride-on mower   £1,400.00 £140.00 £16,815.21
Aug-18 Luxulyan & Lanlivery WI, training 10 trainers   £2,200.00 £220.00 £14,395.21
Aug-18 Friends of Gunwen, heating for community room   £2,000.00 £200.00 £12,195.21
Nov-18 4th Clean Earth payment £10,834.68     £23,029.89
Dec-18 Skate Park Fundraising Group   £2,000.00 £200.00 £20,829.89
Dec-18 Granite Towers   £1,200.00 £120.00 £19,509.89
Dec-18 Preschool   £2,100.00 £210.00 £17,199.89
Apr-19 St Cyriacus & St Julitta, new lighting   £2,000.00 £200.00 £14,999.89
Apr-19 Innis Chapel renovations, part of larger project   £2,500.00 £250.00 £12,249.89
Jun-19 NO AWARDS GIVEN   - none -   £12,249.89
Feb-20 5th Clean Earth payment £11,143.19     £23,393.08
Sep-19 Cornwall Heritage Trust - Treffry Viaduct   £500.00 £50.00 £22,843.08
Dec-19 "Skate Park Fundraising Group -2,000.00 -£200.00   £25,043.08


Dec-19 Luxulyan Pre-school, outdoor equipment   £2,000.00 £200.00 £22,843.08
Mar-20 Awarded to Emergency Fund (re COVID)   £2,000.00 * NO FEE £20,843.08
Nov-20 6th Clean Earth payment £11,324.09     £32,167.17
Feb-21 Luxulyan Pre-school   £3,350.00 £335.00 £28,482.17
Feb-21 Granite Towers   £1,000.00 £100.00 £27,382.17
Feb-21 PCC Luxulyan - organ repairs   £737.00 £73.70 £26,571.47
Apr-21 Parents Assoc Luxulyan School   £4,500.00 £450.00 £21,621.47
Apr-21 Luxulyan Football Club   £2,000.00


May-21 FEAST   £100.00 £10.00 £19,311.47
Oct-21 7th Clean Earth payment £11,759.05     £31,070.52
Jan-22 Cornwall Hospice Care   £2,000.00 £200.00 £28,870.52
Jan-22 Luxulyan Youth Football Team   £2,000.00 £200.00 £26,670.52
Jan-22 Luxulyan Short Mat Bowls Club   £960.00 £96.00 £25,614.52
Jan-22 FEAST   £3,000.00 £300.00 £22,314.52
Jul-22 PALS - school leavers' hoodies   £300.00 £30.00 £21,984.52
Jul-22 Luxulyan Village Hall, film equipment   £2,000.00 £200.00 £19,784.52
Nov-22 8th Clean Earth payment £13,210.16     £32,994.68
Dec-22 Luxulyan Village Hall, LED lighting   £1,000.00 £100.00 £31,894.68
Dec-22 PALS - HFC pantomime   £2,154.50 £215.45 £29,524.73
Dec-22 LEGGS - baseline survey flora / fauna; equip.   £2,319.00 £231.90 £26,973.83
Jul-23 FEAST - a willow artist to work w/ schoolchildren   £1,726.00 £172.60 £25,075.23
Jul-23 Village Hall - 2x heat source air con units   £2,000.00 £200.00 £22,875.23
Grants Awarded

Dec 2016:  A grant of £1,850 was awarded to Luxulyan Youth Football Club to support the work of this new club. The funding will enable the club to purchase training equipment, goal posts and football kits.

Apr 2017:  A grant of £2,000 was awarded to the Luxulyan Amateur Dramatic Society (LADS) to help fund the costs of new staging needed to replace old equipment. It is hoped that the grant will enable LADS to attract other funding to reach their £4,000 target.

Apr 2017:  A grant of £2,000 was awarded to Parents Association Luxulyan School (PALS) so the school could purchase 10 new iPads. This will improve the ICT provision for not only the schools pupils, but will also enable the school to start up workshops for anyone from the community to learn how to use this new technology.

Aug 2017:  A grant of £2,000 was awarded to Luxulyan Memorial Institute to go towards the costs of improving the snooker room in the Institute.

Aug 2017:  A grant of £2,000 was awarded to Luxulyan Pre-school to fund the installation of a sail canopy and the purchase of outdoor climbing equipment. This equipment will enable the children to play outside more often and improve their agility skills.

Dec 2017:  A grant of £1,000 was awarded to Luxulyan Feast Week committee.

Apr 2018:  No grant applications were received.

Aug 2018:  A grant of £600 to the Youth Football Club for a new strip. Now that the club has been running for some time, the older children have grown out of the strip.

Aug 2018:  A grant of £1,400 to the Youth Football Club to purchase a ride-on lawn mower so that the club can take control of the grass length of the pitch, as it finds that the council’s contractor cannot mow the grass low enough to provide a short enough length of grass to play on.

Aug 2018:  A grant to the Luxulyan & Lanlivery WI for £2,200.00 to cover training costs for 10 members to undertake training at Treoyhan Manor, in Carbis Bay. At a cost per head of £220.00. These members could then go on to train other in the crafts that they are undertaking to study.

Aug 2018:  A grant of £2,000 to Friends of Gunwen for heating of the community room in order to have a warm community centre it that part of the parish